My interpretation of the 5 Minute face
RE: 5 Minute Face Challenge
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Simply Fascinating Hair Candy

My latest obsession...making flowers for my hair!!!! Hair candy at it's best
Touching Up Makeup Mid-day

Tutorial on taking your face from flawed to flawless...
Beauty, Brushes and Bins
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My latest haul during the BOGO sale at Walgreen's, my new brushes and new makeup storage in my teeny, weeny bathroom...LOL
Answer to Scandalous Beauty's Here Comes the Bride...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Here is a video I made in answer to Scandalous Beauty's "Here Comes the Bride" video...hope this has some good tips for you!
Today's Protective Style
Monday, July 7, 2008
Products used:
Aloe vera gel, Stay-Sof-Pro (on edges only), MN mix
Apply aloe vera gel and afrosheen and slick hair back using boar bristle brush. Secure with hair tie. Tie edges down with scarf while dressing (about 30 minutes to an hour). Place bun and secure with hair pins. Remove scarf and dash out the door...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
After a week of temporary insanity (blowfrying and flat ironing) I co-washed and did a protein DC. I decided to rollerset because I had not worn a rollerset in over a month. I wanted to see if my hair was any bigger (a.k.a. longer) with the latest rollerset. Check my progress...
March 2008
July, 2008
Products used:
Nexxus Humectress, Motions CPR Protein Reconstructor, Lacio Lacio, Nairobi Wrapp It Shine Foam, Setting lotion (water, Lacio Lacio, EVOO, Silk Amino Acid (SAA), Rice Bran Oil)
I use my own version of the Mohawk rolling method. I don't roll my hair up, but I did try it once. This is the easiest way for me to roll my hair. Now I will admit it takes me about 45 minutes to roll my hair...I suppose if I do it more I'll get faster. I just haven't gotten a good system down, but I digress...
I think the rollers I use are considered X-large or jumbo....I'm not sure. They are pink and about an inch or so wide. I suppose at this point I could go up a size, but I rather like the curls.
In the center section, I start with the front and roll the first roller under (to give me a bit of a bang). All of the other rollers in the center are rolled going backwards (toward my back).
On the two side sections, I usually start at the nape of my neck. My hair is rolled down perpendicular to the center section (rolled down toward ear).
I usually put a bit of aloe vera gel on my edges just to make them smooth and soft.