Ok, so I've been feeling "some kind of way" about transitioning. My texture all of a sudden felt real jacked up and I was feenin' for some creamy crack. I just wanted my bangs to lay down...is that to much to ask for?!?!?!? LOL
So I've been reading on LHCF and Mane and Chic about ACV rinses. ACV=Apple Cider Vinger The users claimed that it left their hair super shiny and bouncy. Now how exactly ACV which should be pretty acidic leaves hair shiny and bouncy, I didn't know. And I was skeptical. But there have been very few things (none really) that I've tried from LHCF that didn't work on my hair, so I thought...why not?
So off to the health food store I went yesterday and bought Bragg's Organic ACV
So I've been reading on LHCF and Mane and Chic about ACV rinses. ACV=Apple Cider Vinger The users claimed that it left their hair super shiny and bouncy. Now how exactly ACV which should be pretty acidic leaves hair shiny and bouncy, I didn't know. And I was skeptical. But there have been very few things (none really) that I've tried from LHCF that didn't work on my hair, so I thought...why not?
So off to the health food store I went yesterday and bought Bragg's Organic ACV

Here is what I did...
- DC'd using the home steam and the 15-10-10 methods on dry hair with ORS Replenishing, EVOO and 2 other conditioners from Sally's I can't remember the name of
- Co-washed with Aussie Moist (the jury is still out on this condish, but I guess it did ok)
- ACV final rinse with a color applicator bottle (1 oz. Bragg Organic ACV to 4 oz. water)
- Plastic cap for 5 min while showering
- Lacio Lacio (as leave in), Coconut Oil and MN mix
- Rollerset on pink magnetics with Rollersetting Lotion mix (Aloe vera juice, water, EVOO, Castor Oil, Africa's Best Oil--my hair needs some oil and moisture)
- Hooded Dryer for 90 minutes
- Unrolled hair and applied Coconut Oil to ends
- Re-rolled with satin foam rollers (can't sleep on magnetics)
- Sleep
- Style in the morning

I know for a lot of LHCF sisters you can't use as much oil as I did, but my hair loved it. I shouldn't have to put anything in my hair til next wash day.
ACV will definitely be part of my reggie going forward!