My Number One Product...

Friday, June 27, 2008

When I began my healthy hair journey (which will hopefully lead to long hair), I wanted to know what products I should add to my arsenal. I figured this was going to be a pretty extensive list because I had virtually no products (relying on the products and expertise of my stylist). But as I started looking around and searching on LHCF, I noticed one abbreviation kept popping up over and over, whether the topic was conditioners or homemade spritzes. When I looked up the abbreviation I was stunned to learn it was something I literally had in kitchen cabinet...
I use this for almost everything. Conditioner Mix, MN Mix, oil cleansing, baggying, pre-pooing, moisturizers, etc.

EVOO is rich in antioxidants and used extensively by the Mediterranean culture and women use it to cleanse their skin. Oil breaks down oil in skin, so cleansing your skin with EVOO will never make your skin oily, but will leave it baby soft.

This is one of my staple products and I recommend it to everyone. As with all things, it may or may not work for you, but this product is definitely a good place to start.

Happy Growing!

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Ok, so I pretty much fell off the face after creating this blog...LOL. But I'm full effect! So what's been going on with me since September 2006...LOL
My hair journey has been kicked into overdrive. I must admit that I got pretty slace in 2007 and my hair paid the price. It was thinning and breaking. So in December 2007 I made an early New Year's resolution. And I must admit this is the first one that I've actually stuck with....LOL. I renewed to take back control of my hair and to really start growing my hair properly and healthily (is that a word?!?!).

So while googling, I ran across Long Hair Care Forum and I've been an addict ever since!!!!! As a result, my hair is the thickest and longest it's been since the days of that blue grease!!!!! Well fine then, don't take my word for it...check it for yourself. This is my hair in December, 2007 (it stayed this length for at least a year)

Here it is after my last relaxer on May 22, 2008

Yes, at least 2-3 inches of growth in less than 6 months.

Wanna know my secret(s)?!?!?!?! Well, stay tuned to read...

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