Make the Most of Your Hair Salon Time

Monday, January 2, 2006

As a kid, there was nothing worse for me than sitting under the hair dryer at the hair salon. I used to think of any reason to come out. However, my scheming and plotting only resulted in my incredibly thick hair still being wet when my hairstylist checked—much to my chagrin.

However, I now love my time under the hair dryer and entire salon experience. In fact, I am writing this as I sit under the dryer, listening to my iPod. Don’t think I’m weird or that the heat is making me delirious. But my 3 hours at the hair salon are some of the most meaningful time in my week. I’ve mastered how to best make use of a potential time waster.

I’ve seen my fair share of frustrated, bored and impatient people in the hair salon. Honestly, I’ve been that person too. We absentmindedly flip through year-old issues of Jet, Ebony and hairstyling magazines. However, this is no longer the case for me. As I’m ushered between the shampoo bowl, my stylist’s chair and the dryer, I usually accomplish some of my best and most important work. My time at the salon is about more than personal grooming; it is a time of personal, relational and spiritual development.

The best way to stay prepared for salon time is to have a tote dedicated to it. I am always looking for a reason to buy a new bag (smile). As magazines, articles or other materials come across your path; put them in your bag. That way you always have something to do or read when you go to the salon. Then on salon day, just put the bag in the car…and you are all set! Here are 10 things you should have in your tote at all times:

10 things to put in your salon tote

  1. Stationery (notecards, stamps, letterhead, etc.)
  2. Pens and highlighters (different colors)
  3. Books
  4. Magazines or articles
  5. Personal CD player (with earphones), iPod or MP3 player
  6. Notebook or Journal
  7. Planner, calendar or PDA
  8. Calculator
  9. Address book
  10. Nail care items (file, polish, cuticle oil, etc.)

I truly began to appreciate my salon time while I was in college recently. After spending so much reading textbooks and writing papers, I wanted a reprieve. At first, I would take my schoolwork to the salon to catch up on things, but I realized that I deserved to take a break. So I decided to only bring things that were not related to school with me to the salon. And this revolutionized my salon visits. I no longer dreaded sitting under the dryer or even having to wait (a reasonable amount of time). I just whipped out something to do from my salon tote, and I was good. I didn’t feel like I was wasting time at all. Wondering what you can do while at the salon? Here are some suggestions:

11 activities you can do while at the salon:

  1. Write thank you notes or other handwritten correspondence
  2. Listen to music, inspirational messages or books on CD, iPod or on an MP3 player
  3. Plan your week, weekend, a trip, an event, etc.
  4. Make phone calls
  5. Write
  6. Read books and/or magazines (that you bring)
  7. Balance checkbook
  8. Clean purse or wallet
  9. Organize receipts
  10. Clip and organize coupons
  11. Give yourself a mini-manicure or freshen your top coat

Try these techniques for one salon visit; I think you will find that it makes a difference. You will walk out of the salon looking great and feeling great because you have accomplished some things while in the salon.


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