CONTEST For My Blog Readers: Win a Pin Custom Designed by the Trendy Socialite

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


As a special present for my old and new blog readers and friends, You have the opportunity to win a custom designed pin by me, the Trendy Socialite, like one of the samples above. If you're in a greek letter organization, I'll be happy to design one for you for your organization. If not, you can have one designed for you based on a certain color(s), size, shape, etc.

In order to qualify for a pin, leave a comment below that says "Pin me, pin me, pin me!" (remember that episode of the Cosby Show when Rudy learned how to play checkers?!?!? LOL

You should be a "subscriber" to the blog and my Google Friend Connect (see the sidebar to the right)

Contest ends 11:59 PM November 5, 2010

Natural Hair in the Workplace

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One day while perusing a forum I'm a member of there was a thread about hair in the workplace. The poster said she was taken aside by a supervisor and encouraged to do something about her hair if she wanted to move up in the organization. Even the original poster questioned her own hairstyle. Other posters comments ranged from outrage to agreement with her boss to make sure her hair was neat.

This cause me to think about natural hair in the workplace. Here are some tips to help increase your confidence about wearing your natural hair in the workplace. You can also check out my YT video about the subject here.

Consider your workplace culture: If there is a dress code policy, refer to that first. If it isn't in writing, observe those around you and how they dress. There are certain industries that are more conservative than others and in order to advance, you will need to closely assimilate your workplace culture. But don't fret, because there is hope...

Let loose on the weekends: If you work in an environment that is conservative, then let loose with your personal style on the weekends. Wear your biggest fro or twistout and enjoy!

Develop an arsenal of work appropriate hairstyle and accessories: Find styles that are work appropriate to avoid boredom and falling into a style rut. These styles should be able to be achieved in ten minutes or less. Use fotki, flickr, your blog or your computer hard drive to store these styles for inspiration. Also favorite videos on YT to practice and perfect at night and on the weekends.

Practice and perfect your work styles: Practice makes perfect. You do not want to spend too much time in the morning with your work style, so on the weekends or days off practice and perfect the styles. Having these styles perfected will give you confidence about the style and your overall professional image.

Now for some inspiration....



Friday, October 22, 2010

Yes, that's me, the Trendy Socialite with THE LUDACRIS, Christopher Bridges. He performed at my university's homecoming concert last night.

Oh by the way, that's my "Mastered Twistout." You can check out the tutorial on my YT channel.

But who cares 'bout my hair....I got a chance to meet Luda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CLOSED! A Trendy Socialite Give-Away! Clutchin' It...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's finally time for a Trendy Socialiate give-away! I've been promising one on my YT channel for a while. But I'm extremely particular about what I give away (It has to be unique), so it's taken me a long time to find something I wanted to give away.

Well I found it! Actually 2!

If you follow my YT Channel (shameless plug), I did a video about bringing back the art of the lady. For me one accessory that evokes that ladylike feeling is a clutch. I love the way it feels and it makes me walk, talk and act a little differently.

So my awesome subscribers, you have the opportunity to be entered to win 1 of 2, yes 2, clutches!

In order to be entered, you will need to do the following:
  • Subscribe to YouTube Channel
  • Subscribe to blog via Google Friend Connect (it's on the right --->>>)
  • Enter comment "ENTER ME" on the video on YT and here on the blog
In order for me to distinguish who you are, please sign each comment with your YT screen name and google friend connect name (if they are different). For example if your YT name is arr1216 and your Google Friend Connect is Trendy Socialite then your entry would look something like this:

ENTER ME (arr1216 and Trendy Socialite)

Is that clear as mud?!?!?! :) If you have questions, email me at

Contest ends 11:59 PM ON OCTOBER 31!

Good Luck!

'Sesame Street' Teaches Self-Esteem

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The story behind the story...

Willow Smith vs. Sesame Street - Whip My Hair (Fraggle Roc Nation Remix)

Monday, October 18, 2010

In honor of Willow Smith's "Whip My Hair" video that debuts today!

This totally made my day....

Sesame Street:Song: I Love My Hair

Ok Sesame Street! I see you...

I wish some adults had such a healthy attitude toward their hair, whether it's relaxed or natural.

I give Sesame Street kudos for this two minute video that will hopefully help some little girls (and their parents and peers) feel better about their natural hair.

Tell Sesame Street you appreciate this by emailing them at

Outfit of the Day (Part 1): Traveling to ATL (OOTD)

Friday, October 8, 2010

I'm typing this while in the car on my way to ATL. I wanted to share with you briefly what I am rocking on my way...hopefully this outfit will transition into night. Hopefully I will get there in time to hang out with a friend.

My hair is in two strand twists until I get there. If I don't go out tonight, my twist out is going to be FIERCE tomorrow LOL.

I bought this strapless jumpsuit for one of my fave boutiques in Washington, NC for $15. This is definite MUST-HAVE travel wear. It's made of a soft cotton that feels like your most comfy sweats.

 Sorry my photos aren't more "artistic" I literally took these at church in front of the women's restroom.
I'm not really jazzed about the shoes I chose, but oh well. I'll live.

You already know how I feel about traveling in sunglasses, no makeup and lip gloss. I think it goes with the euro chicness of the turban...minimalist fashion is so relaxing. That's supposed to be my relaxed face....clearly I need to work on it LOL

The Trendy Socialite Has a New Look!

Friday, October 1, 2010

In case you hadn't noticed...the Trendy Socialite has a new look. This awesome blog redesign is courtesy of Christina Jones of Visual Luxe. Let me show you the beauty of social media!

I was reading blogs and Jamie of Rural Glamour mentioned her blog was redesigned by Christina. So I checked out Christina's site and her blog. I liked the work...I thought I'd give her a shot. I was pricing getting a blog redesign anyway but wasn't feeling what I was seeing (either the prices or the design look).

Christina was helpful, friendly and super creative. In a matter of hours she had a sample for me to look at. I was totally amazed at how she captured the look and feel that I wanted on the first try! A couple of tweaks and 24 hours later, you have what you see here.

I let my bff and blogger Kim of The Stylish Life see my new blog before it went live. She liked what she saw and used Christina too! You can see Kim's new blog here!

I'm in love with it and I suggest if you're looking for some blog work (or twitter backgrounds, business cards, etc.), you give Christina a shot! I don't think you will be disappointed. Oh, and follow Christina on Twitter at @mrs_cjones

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